breaking paradigms

a spatial planning podcast

Gender justice – urban vs. rural

In this episode, we listen to three pioneers in the field of gender planning and discuss the differences between gender justice in urban and rural settings.

A huge thank you to our interview partners Doris Damyanovic, Petra Hirschler & Eva Kail!

Literature (add further suggestions in the comments!):

  • Manual for Gender Mainstreaming in urban planning and city development – Download here
  • Zibell, B., Damyanovic, D. and Sturm, U. (2019) Gendered approaches to spatial development in Europe.
  • Zibell, B., Damyanovic, D. and Álvarez, E. (2017). On Stage!- Women in Landscape_Architecture and Planning

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Thank you for your contributions and for supporting our vision!

The podcast “breaking paradigms” is a collaborative effort of Constanze Frech and Sarah Kusché. It focuses on all things spatial planning, especially regarding knowledge transfer and non-european practices and theories. Every 30-minute episode centers around a different topic and should give insights and perspectives on both theory and practice. Our goal is to be educational for those still studying and already in the professional field. We seek to collaborate with experts in their respective fields from all continents and build a platform to exchange niche subjects and start a conversation.

Created by Constanze Frech & Sarah Kusché
With music composed by Dídac Barroso Cascales
Sound design by Dídac Barroso Cascales & Florian Frech
Editing: Sarah Kusché & Constanze Frech
Content & concept: Constanze Frech & Sarah Kusché
Content contributors/interview partners: Doris Damyanovic, Petra Hirschler and Eva Kail
Voice for intro and outro by Dídac Barroso Cascales
Special thanks to Florian Frech for providing his studio and expertise for intro & outro!

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1 Comment

  1. Eva Kail 31/03/2020

    Dear Constanze and Dear Sarah,
    many thanks for your Initiative!
    I am looking forward to learn from the next podcasts.

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